Create Your ‘Go Bag’
Floods, fires, high wind and other damaging events caused by inclement weather can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.
Thinking and planning ahead can give you peace of mind.
One great way to plan ahead is to create an emergency preparedness kit, or as some call it, a go bag, which is a backpack, small suitcase or other type of container packed with essential items you might need in the event of an emergency, especially if you are evacuated from your home.
While it is true odds are in your favor that you may never have to evacuate your home or relocate on a temporary basis, when it does happen, your basic needs will be cared for if you have a go bag ready to”¦ go. Continue reading “Create Your ‘Go Bag’”

Leaks Happen – Be Ready!
You know the normal sounds your home makes.
The air conditioner kicking on as the dog days of summer begin. The heating system starting up on a cold, winter evening. The creak of a loose floorboard as someone rises early in the morning.

Keep Mold at Bay: Take Away its Food
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes how water damage situations (such as from a flood, leaky or broken pipe, sewage backup, etc.) can be potentially hazardous”¦ not just initially, but over time as well.

Toilet Tragedies
There’s not much that can cause a panic and loud screaming than when the handle of the toilet is pushed and “” instead of everything swirling down into the sewer line “” it all comes rushing back out.
You know what the “everything” is… and you surely do not wish to be the offending flusher who must clean it up. But someone needs to do the dirty work.

Clogged Drain Dramas: How to Unclog a Drain

Detergents, Soaps and More (What’s the Difference?)
Detergents, Soaps and More
When it comes to your home, you usually have two prime, important goals in mind: Keep your home clean and keep your home healthy. Family is important to you.
Continue reading “Detergents, Soaps and More (What’s the Difference?)”

Touchy Subject: Just how dirty are the things you use the most?

Floodplain Zones: What you need to know
Have you ever walked or drove down a road and came across a sign that declared, “Floodplain Zone!”
If it was near your home, you might have panicked. But if it was somewhere far from your home, you felt safe.
A floodplain can be dangerous because any home in or near one is subject to flooding. If you have a basement, you have more to worry about.
But did you know that even if you live outside a floodplain, there are flooding issues that you must be aware of? Continue reading “Floodplain Zones: What you need to know”