Tropical Storm Updates
[Update 06/02/2023 8:00AM]:

Create Your ‘Go Bag’
Floods, fires, high wind and other damaging events caused by inclement weather can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.
Thinking and planning ahead can give you peace of mind.
One great way to plan ahead is to create an emergency preparedness kit, or as some call it, a go bag, which is a backpack, small suitcase or other type of container packed with essential items you might need in the event of an emergency, especially if you are evacuated from your home.
While it is true odds are in your favor that you may never have to evacuate your home or relocate on a temporary basis, when it does happen, your basic needs will be cared for if you have a go bag ready to”¦ go. Continue reading “Create Your ‘Go Bag’”

Hurricane Updates
[Update 11/09/2022 2:00PM]:

Tropical Depression Updates
[Update 09/23/2022 8:00AM]:

Why Is Water Temperature Important?
Human populations demand solid weather forecasting. They need to know exactly what they are up against especially during the Atlantic tropical hurricane season. Not only do they need to know the speed, direction, and likely point of landfall, but for them to prepare they need to know days in advance. They have to buy the boards to board up the windows, batten down the hatches, and get everyone to a safe haven. There’s a lot that goes into forecasting the direction, path, and speed of hurricanes.

Three Methods for Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water
After a water pipe leakage, flood or hurricane, the supply of clean drinking water could be interrupted. Therefore, you may have to use disinfected, boiled or bottled water until the water supply is restored. In this article, we are going to share with you a few methods that will help you disinfect drinking water from the comfort of your home.
Continue reading “Three Methods for Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water”

Protect Yourself: Insurance
You turn to your insurance company and your agent you have been paying faithfully for many years. All you want is for your valuable items lost in the disaster to be replaced.
There aren’t many events that are more disturbing or more tragic than a flood or fire in your home.
Your home is a place to raise your family. It’s a place to feel safe and secure. So, when an event occurs that takes it all away from you “” even temporarily “” it’s normal for a feeling of helplessness to overwhelm those in the family.
You need help. You need reassurance. You want everything to be back to normal and you can’t do it alone.
That’s what insurance is for, right? Continue reading “Protect Yourself: Insurance”

What Can FEMA Do for You?
A flood, fire and other disasters are devastating to families. Thankfully, there is assistance you can take advantage of.

Regency DRT Acquires Jacksonville Florida Restoration Company
WEST PALM BEACH FL/FEBRUARY 2020/ – Regency DRT, a nationally recognized leader in property restoration, has announced the recent acquisition of a Jacksonville, Florida based emergency response and restoration company. The offices are located at 2611 Old Middleburg Road N Building 3, Suite 3 Jacksonville, FL 32210 and will serve northeast Florida including Nassau, Duval, Clay and St. Johns counties. The announcement was made by company President and CEO Scott Stamper.
Continue reading “Regency DRT Acquires Jacksonville Florida Restoration Company”