emergency preparedness kit

Create Your ‘Go Bag’

Floods, fires, high wind and other damaging events caused by inclement weather can happen anywhere, anytime and to anyone.

Thinking and planning ahead can give you peace of mind.

One great way to plan ahead is to create an emergency preparedness kit, or as some call it, a go bag, which is a backpack, small suitcase or other type of container packed with essential items you might need in the event of an emergency, especially if you are evacuated from your home.

While it is true odds are in your favor that you may never have to evacuate your home or relocate on a temporary basis, when it does happen, your basic needs will be cared for if you have a go bag ready to”¦ go. Continue reading “Create Your ‘Go Bag’”

Toilet Tragedies

There’s not much that can cause a panic and loud screaming than when the handle of the toilet is pushed and “” instead of everything swirling down into the sewer line “” it all comes rushing back out.

You know what the “everything” is… and you surely do not wish to be the offending flusher who must clean it up. But someone needs to do the dirty work.

Continue reading “Toilet Tragedies”

Floodplain Zones

Floodplain Zones: What you need to know

Have you ever walked or drove down a road and came across a sign that declared, “Floodplain Zone!”

If it was near your home, you might have panicked. But if it was somewhere far from your home, you felt safe.
A floodplain can be dangerous because any home in or near one is subject to flooding. If you have a basement, you have more to worry about.

But did you know that even if you live outside a floodplain, there are flooding issues that you must be aware of? Continue reading “Floodplain Zones: What you need to know”

It’s Not ‘Just the Carpet’

Many water damage pros have been called by good people just like you who need help “just sucking up the water from the carpet.” This can be water from an overflowing sink, toilet, maybe a washing machine that got a little ambitious during the spin cycle… or it could be from something more serious, like a broken water pipe or roof damage from a storm. No matter what, some homeowners only see and think about the squishy carpet and don’t know about all those other areas in the home where water has affected it. That kind of thinking can get you into a lot of trouble.

Water, Water Everywhere!

DID YOU KNOW that water is the most essential element of life? That’s right. We all need water. We need it to bathe, to drink, to water plants and the grass, and even to enjoy recreationally, such as in a swimming pool. 

But are there times when you may wish water was scarce? Yes, such as when some water ends up where it shouldn’t be, like on your valuable wood floor.

When that happens, you must clean it up quickly. If you don’t, permanent damage can occur.


Hiding in the Shadows

DID YOU KNOW that mold can develop in your home and all it takes are three common things? 

1.    Moisture: Mold needs moisture to grow, which is why you see it all the time in showers and baths… and, unfortunately, in basements. You can clean up the mold in a shower or bath, but when you see it in other parts of the home, it’s best to call a pro.

2.    Food: Mold is alive, and needs to eat. So usually you won’t see mold growing on plastic surfaces in your home. It will grow on wood and other organic surfaces. However, dirt in the carpet or on the floor can be a food source, so keeping your house super clean is smart.

3.    Darkness: Mold likes the shadows of your home, and grows quickly in the dark. That’s why basements are often the first place mold is discovered.

Do-it yourself mold removal?

If you are going to clean up some mold in your house, it’s important to protect yourself. A mold removal specialist knows the dangers of mold, and if you hire a pro, you will see him all suited up and protected against possible contamination.
