how dirty are the things you use the most

Touchy Subject: Just how dirty are the things you use the most?

You wash your hand after you use the restroom, or handling raw meat, or riding the subway. That’s a great start. However, our handsimmediate surroundings harbor more bacteria than we like to imagine – and not just the usual suspects. The fact is, germs are all around us – it’s their world, we’re just living in it. Often they’re harmless, but not always, and it’s a good idea to avoid taking any unnecessary risks.

It all starts with awareness – knowing which items, areas and surfaces are likely to harbor unwanted bacteria. From there we can take measures to disinfect those spaces and prevent potentially disease-causing germs from invading our bodies. Read on to learn which everyday items tend to be the most infested. The results may be surprising.

Floodplain Zones

Floodplain Zones: What you need to know

Have you ever walked or drove down a road and came across a sign that declared, “Floodplain Zone!”

If it was near your home, you might have panicked. But if it was somewhere far from your home, you felt safe.
A floodplain can be dangerous because any home in or near one is subject to flooding. If you have a basement, you have more to worry about.

But did you know that even if you live outside a floodplain, there are flooding issues that you must be aware of? Continue reading “Floodplain Zones: What you need to know”