Prepping For Urban Survival
If a disaster strikes in an urban setting, there are certain precautions one may need to take in order to survive comfortably. With limited space and security, creating a well-strategized plan is key in order to survive whatever hurricane-corona-virus-economic-collapse-zombie-ridden-disaster one may encounter in an urban location.
People Planning
In the event a disaster does strike your city or neighborhood, security weakens and your home or apartment may be potentially in danger. To be successfully prepared for any disaster, plan to prepare with friends, family and/or neighbors.
If AMC’s The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it is that strength comes in numbers. If mass chaos ever follows after a tragedy, you’re going to want people you trust standing there beside you. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Ready campaign provides a Family Emergency Plan to ensure your family has a plan in case of disaster or attack. This document has spaces to fill out important information such as meeting places, emergency contact numbers, etc. Remember to additionally assess the needs of your pets, family or friends with access or functional needs and how to safely shut off your utilities.Smart Methods of Preparation
Many people have yet to prepare for an emergency because they don’t know where to begin. What should I pack into a 72-hour kit? How much water do I need? How much space do I need to store these items? Emergency preparedness doesn’t need to be stressful or taxing. Costco luckily provides various types of emergency kits that can aid to your survival. For example, they offer a 1-month food-supply for only $100. If you’re concerned with properly packing a 72-hour kit, they sell 2-person emergency kits (complete with essentials, shelter, communication and first aid, food and water and sanitation) for only $89.99. Both of these kits, complete with a Family Emergency Plan can be just what you need to survive and take up almost no space.
Disaster Mitigation
To take your emergency preparedness to the next level, brush up on the specific steps of what to expect from various types of natural disasters, virus outbreaks, etc. FEMA offers this information and even more on their website If you’ve suffered from a disaster ranging anywhere from disinfecting, water, fire, mold, smoke or storm damage, Regency DRT can help restore your home and contents to help you comfortably recover.