Nothing quite compares to the comfort of walking into your house, removing your shoes, and sinking back into your favorite recliner for a moment of relaxation after a long day. On the other hand, nothing quite compares to the panic and devastation that arises from coming home to find your home and belongings soaked, submerged, and potentially destroyed. Upon coming across such a disaster, it may seem that water damage cleanup is a near impossible task. Typically, this is where one’s fight-or-flight mechanism kicks in. Â
How Does Your Smoke Detector Work?
Have you ever looked up at your smoke alarm and thought, “I wonder how that works?” Well the simple answer is, “With cunning ingenuity”. The first thing to understand is that there are two basic smoke alarm designs. The first and the most commonly used design is nuclear powered and is known as an ionization smoke detector, these require little space are cheap and are more common than the other type of detector, which is the photoelectric smoke detector.
Top 10: Worst Fires in History
Fire is a terrifying force, even on the smallest of scales. When it gets out of control, it can ravage thousands and thousands of acres. Stories of the worst fires in history, and the courage and sacrifice they’ve inspired, provide a humbling glimpse into the power of nature.
What You Should Know About Mold
COVID-19’s Genome Signature Has Been Cracked!
Computer scientists and biologists have identified an underlying genomic signature for 29 different COVID-19 RNA sequences using machine learning.
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